Friday, May 13, 2011

Deja vu all over again

It's been a quiet week. The adoption agency hasn't heard a peep from the kids' mom. This is quite typical - we've been here before. She moves forward with her adoption plan, things begin to progress, and then we don't hear from her for awhile.

So I'm not surprised we're here again, even though this was the most the adoption plan had ever progressed.

The adoption agency tried to call her this week and they got a message that she was out of minutes for her cell phone. So they went to her apartment - twice - and she wasn't home. So now their only option is to send a certified letter.

In this final attempt to contact her, they are going to ask her if she's changed her mind with her adoption plan. If she has - I just wish she'd tell us instead of just disappearing. It's been an emotional roller coaster of not knowing what tomorrow will bring.

I know it's been an emotional roller coaster for her, too. This is difficult no matter how you look at it.

I have a peace that what is meant to happen, will. I don't know what that is - but God does. Despite the free will God has given us all, His plans ultimately prevail. And He already knows the plans He has for these kids, for their mom, and for us.

God never makes mistakes. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Make sure your seatbelt is securely fastened! I'm praying for your family, these precious children, and birthmom to make the best decision for kiddos.
Amanda McQueen

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